
Main reason: To be 5 people who share 1 interest. The interest? This journal. Every one of us, we're different. A good sort of different. We have our own beat and we dance to it in our own way. With our differences, we're misfits that fit :D We might be speaking about complications of the heart, the journey of growing up, some fabulous topics (sometimes), being individuals in a sea of clones and any topic we can think of in the future. So here we are: The Traveling Journal. Please like us! We're very likable ;)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Festivals are to bring everyone together. The one time to see all your relatives. With technology today renioun dinners can happen even when someone is probably twenty thousand miles away. All you need is a laptop with a webcam, a program called skype and fairly decent internet access.

Happy Chinese New Year. Have a good one.

Mei Mondays,

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